Friday, June 5, 2009

scarface modeling

I've been practicing my surface modeling skills in Solidworks when I spend the night in Shekou.  I'm not a smoker by any means but I can respect a good cigar.  I was compelled to both buy a cigar and surface model in my hotel.  I purchased a Romeo y Julieta No. 3 for ¥58 or $8.49. The cigar was quite nice, and it was the experience I was looking for; simply one of a relaxing night.  
I felt a bit like Scarface, (or any cliche mobster) for some reason, yet instead of cocaine, guns and power on my mind I had a nerdy drive to create some anamorphically sexy curves in the computer.

Sorry for the vauge screen capture of my model, I'm working on a special project which I plan to share more once it's complete.


  1. during the studio two era we were up on your balcony in the apartment on liberty and you were smoking a cigar... i remember you said something like "you have to let the smoke dance in your mouth.." or something like that. i knew i had much to learn as a mere camel lights smoker.

  2. looks like a climbing hand hold to me

  3. ding ding ding... that's a climbing hold for sure.
